Recently I purchased this 127mm SkyWatcher Maksutov telescope on eBay for less than £100! The optics were clean and it looked barely used so I was very happy to finally have a small, high focal length telescope that I can use for planetary imaging.
While not necessary I decided at the same time to purchase a SkyWatcher AZ-GTI mount for a portable option when imaging. Being an Alt-AZ mount it’s perfect for visual use and some light planetary astrophotography.
I paired this scope with my ZWO ASI 183MC which I opted to use as it has smaller pixels than the ZWO ASI 290MC giving me a higher resolution.
While it may look like the 183 was a poor choice, the cropped image of Saturn would result in a much better quality image at 0.33″/px
I purposely chose a night with very calm skies as clarity of your sky is very important for planetary imaging.
Processing these images is very straightforward, I have a full written tutorial for quick and easy planetary image processing using AstroSurface.